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With Asia Dorsey + Karina DesRoses
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Two Black herbalists and Bougie Aunties help you discern the real shit from the b******t in food and herbs. Come share in the belovedness of Karina Desroses and Asia Dorsey as they explore food science and medicine making at the intersection of ancestral reverence, ecology and cultures of healing justice.

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featured podcast episode

Lemon balm is the bee’s knees: Herbal Carminatives

Your fave bougie aunties are back at it again with the herbal carminatives, bay-bee! This week we’re discussing one of Asia’s favorite herbs… Lemon Balm, also know by its botanical name Melissa Officianalis! Typically known for its anti-anxiety effects, lemon balm is also a great carminative because the mind and gut have a deep-seated connection.


Latest podcast episodes:

the same Ol’ G oregano: herbal carminatives

Hope you are staying cool, but also enjoying the sun on your skin! Spend some time wit ya fave bougie aunties vibing in our carminatives bag! This week, we are talking about our love for Oregano, which is also in the Lamiaceae (Mints) family. Oregano is not only a spice that adds flavor to some of your favorite foods, but is powerful as an antiseptic, as a carminative and digestive. We also discuss how a spoon full of sugar DOES help the medicine go down! We hope you enjoy this one!

who's your granddaddy? mine is Rosemary: herbal carminatives

Hope y’all are feeling rested today! Come hang with ya fave bougie aunties, still in the carminative series bag! This week, we are discussing Rosemary, one of our favorite plants in the Lamiaceae (Mints) family. Asia and Karina both have some great personal experience with it having that gut-brain connection we’ve been discussing, and we hope that you, too, have/ or will create a wonderful relationship with this plant!

fire and rain… and basil: herbal carminatives

It’s another lovely week and ya fave bougie aunties are here to continue the carminatives medicine bag. for this week, we’re discussing all things basil! basil comes from central Africa and Asia, and the ways to commune with basil are endless because of it’s very diverse properties in food and medicinally. so we want to encourage you all to eat something with basil TODAY to get all the blessings!

Follow Petty Herbalist Podcast


Subtle Tea and the Structure of Water

By Asia Dorsey | December 17, 2021

Article Summary: Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea. Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea. Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea.  

#17 Linden, Love Privilege and The Ancestors’ Song

By Asia Dorsey | September 01, 2020

Article Summary: Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea. Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea. Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea.  

Spring Radish and the Kimchi Making Process

By Asia Dorsey | June 08, 2019

Article Summary: Stet periculis Mei in. Vismodus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea. Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea. Stet periculis Mei in. Vis modus debitis te, ad usu duis fierent praesent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea.  

community of practice

Patreon is a portal of power for Asia students. It was created to support and distribute her in depth research and the gifts she shares with community. Patreons are committed to Asia's growth and share in the bounty though educational resources, opportunities and invitations for deeper connection. 



The body is god. It is altar. It is the coagulation of prayer. The end product of witness. The vehicle through which the soul and the spirit have experience. In fact, it is the result of this very union. Every season we move into depth with a single plant, its medicine for the body, the mind and our collective spirit. Journey with me, these seasonal essays are crafted to engage, reveal and heal. 
  • Welcome Sequence ending with a selection of Herbal Journey’s
  • Behind the scenes, discounted and early access to events and programming
  • Access to Asia Herbal Archives
  • Get your herbal medicine making
  • Petty Herbalist Podcast Feed
  • Discounts to the Petty Herbalist After Dark digital talkshow.
  • Supports the Bad Bitch Bookclub & community herbal care
  • Expect Monthly Updates


Our ancestors knew how to eat to live. Their nourishment was grounded in earth wisdom. We return to their wisdom by an insistence on tradition and a willingness to adapt and experiment. We honor the past by bringing its pattern languages into our present context. We build the future of food and embodied liberation by walking into the future as we, us, ours not dislocated or detached from where we came from. This is a lifetime of work. Therefore, this tier is designed to take pause.

This tier reveals the element of nourishing our bodies using both scientific knowledge and ancestral wisdom. Writings in this tier include deep dives on specific micro and macronutrients, recipe, food preservation techniques with a great emphasis on fermentation and information on specific foods and food families.
  • Everything from Encounter
  • Recipes and Food Features 
  • 40 Minute Orientation Call
  • Exclusive "Spells"
  • Free Admission to the Petty Herbalist After Dark digital talkshow. 
  • Expect updates seasonally. 

explore group mentorship


One-on-one time is powerful in shaping our healing journey. Asia brings fourth her Regenerative Design Skills as an organizational consultant and permaculture educator to coach budding herbalists and healers in designing a powerful practice. In relationship with me, students of herbal medicine are empowered in their own healing and the refinement of their herbal craft. 

This mentorship subscription offers the support and resources you need to facilitate wellness with discernment and rootedness. Asia’s unique pedagogy tests her mentees knowledge by having THEM teach HER. She centers and unlocks self expression and supports her mentee in expressing their own unique talents and gifts. Students who are mentored for more than one year become eligible to teach. Let’s cultivate embodied liberation.
  • Everything from Encounter + Nourish 
  • Monthly, 40-minute, individualized training and resourcing session. 
  • Mentored students can choose between their coaching, a private dreamwork or a personalized yoga nidra meditation session. The byproduct of any mentorship with me is better physical, spiritual and mental health. 
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